Informacje o fragmentach z odpowiedzią16 wrz 2024 · 24 lis 2013 · Ocena25 paź 2023 ·
the chief economist at the Bank BPH. He then worked at the BRE Bank (later rebranded to mBank) as the director for the bank's strategy and chief economist1996, he became deputy CEO, and in 1998 President and CEO of BRE Bank (today's mBank), where he worked until 2004. In 2002–2004, he was also the regionalsports facilities, libraries, and municipal offices. The card was issued by mBank, with technical support provided by Asseco. The idea of introducing a city 1993, "Bydgoska Fabryka Kabli S.A." was sold to a consortium consisting of "Elektrim" (60%) and mBank (20%). The 20% left was shared within the staff
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